Incentivising Innovation through the Research and Development


The R&D credit and KDB relief are valuable tax incentives that apply to the development and exploitation of certain intellectual property. Both incentives can deliver value to the bottom line for companies engaged in R&D. The R&D tax credit can deliver a 25% saving on the cost of undertaking R&D activity and the KDB relief can result in a significant tax saving on profits generated from certain IP.

Our aim is to provide you with an overview of the key elements of these tax incentives and the value that these can add to your businesses and resources.


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Thomas Fleming, Senior Manager, R&D Tax Incentives Practice, PwC Dublin

Cathal Noone, Senior Manager, R&D Tax Incentives Practice, PwC Dublin







This event will take place in the ‘Auditorium‘ in DCU Alpha (Dublin City University’s Innovation Campus). The event is open to the DCU Community.



Terence Bowden,
Community & Business Development,
DCU Alpha,
Old Finglas Road,
Dublin 11.