IRDG’s Smart Connected Devices Series – DCU Alpha

IRDG’s Smart Connected Devices series has been put together to help members explore the new world of the ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’ and Smart Connected Devices.  It’s about seeing what it means for innovation in all sectors – the opportunities, the challenges, the new solutions, the possible collaborations; all the while learning from those who have experience in this space with case studies and best practice sharing.

DCU Alpha have kindly agreed to co-host our next SCD event on 27th June next.  Co-located with Dublin City University, DCU ALPHA is a commercial innovation campus that promotes the growth of research-intensive businesses that are creating the technologies and services of tomorrow.  Companies located there work in this collaborative hub across the digital and physical worlds to develop ground-breaking products in connected health, clean energy and IoT technology.


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Speakers & Agenda



This event will take place in the Auditorium in DCU Alpha (Dublin City University’s Innovation Campus).  Note this is not on the main DCU campus – refer here to Google Maps link.

Parking is available in the visitors Car Park via the Old Finglas Road but is on a first come first served basis.


Registration & Information

IRDG’s Smart Connected Devices Series – DCU Alpha, 27th June